Christmas Gift

The festival of Christmas has a special significance in everyone's life. Though Christmas is considered to be the primary festival of the Christian calendar but today it is a part of all religions and is a universal festival. Christmas celebrates humanity and mankind and conveys message of love, tolerance and brotherhood. It is celebrated on the 25th December, the date when Jesus Christ was born. The word Christmas is derived from an early English phrase 'Cristes maesse', that means 'Mass of Christ'. According to many scholars, the festival originated in the 4th century as a Christian substitute for pagan celebrations of the winter solstice many years before the Christ child was born. 25th December is first mentioned as the birth date of Jesus Christ in 336 AD in an early Roman calendar.Gifts can be categorized according to its nature and to whom you are gifting. Like gifts for brothers, sisters, parents, kids, friends and spouses. So accordingly you have to choose your gifts it is also advisable to give hand make gifts because it has a special emotion and feeling attached to it. So here's a selection of gifts which are easy to make and will certainly not break the bank. The recipients will love the fact that you have put your own time and effort into making the gifts and will treasure them. How many times when Christmas comes along do we end up spending a large amount of money on gifts for friends, relatives and family, which are not the least bit personal, and regretting it afterwards? These days we often seem to get caught up in a rush to spend as much as possible on commercialized products when in fact we could save money and give much better presents if only we applied ourselves to hand-making them or something which will be of use to the person whom we are gifting. The association of Gifts with the celebration of Christmas has almost become indispensable.It is said also that gifts speaks more than emotions. This is the season of loving and caring your near and dear ones. So to choose the perfect gifts for your loved ones it is important to know whom you will gift and what are his or her likes and dislikes. It is not necessary that your gift has to be expensive it can be simple and sweet. It is important that your gift should convey the message you want to send to the person whom you are gifting it is the emotion attached with the gift, which makes it special. Your gifts can range from clothes to accessories, to perfumes, to electronic goods and hand made cookies, cakes and other items

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